Walled Lake Drivers: Get Fresh Air Inside Your Car
May 31, 2016
Let's talk about air quality in Walled Lake. It's a global issue, but affects us wherever we are. Many decades ago, Walled Lake drivers began to become aware of how air pollution negatively affects health. But what about the air inside your vehicle?Now, it's only been in the last few years that c... More

Stay Safe in Walled Lake by Putting Your Cell Phone on ICE
May 23, 2016
We don't want to think about it, but each Walled Lake resident who drives or rides in a vehicle is potentially an accident victim. In the worst-case scenario, those people are unconscious and unable to communicate with Michigan rescue workers. Rescue workers and Walled Lake police are well aware ... More

ABC Auto Works and the Maintenance Mindset
May 15, 2016
When it comes to their vehicles, some Walled Lake residents don't have a maintenance mindset. They know they need to take care of their cars, but it just seems really hard to get them to remember to do it. Walled Lake drivers generally accept that many things in life require regular maintenance ... More

Maintenance on My Mind
May 8, 2016
Ask any Walled Lake man or woman if they've taken their vehicle in for preventive maintenance lately, and the answer may well be no. Surveys indicate that over 80% of vehicles on the road today are in need of some kind of repair or maintenance. Now, ask that same person why he hasn't taken his ca... More

Automotive Tips from ABC Auto Works: Serpentine Belt Tensioner
May 2, 2016
The serpentine belt tensioner applies pressure to the serpentine belt, maintaining optimal tension to drive the accessories like the alternator and A/C compressor. At ABC Auto Works we know that the service life of the belt tensioner is the same as the belt itself, so they should always be replac... More