The Best Book that's Not a Best-Seller
August 29, 2021
Sometimes the movie is better than the book, sometimes it's the other way around. But when it comes to your vehicle, the best book of all is the owner's manual. The plot is simple: Owner wants long life and dependable performance from the vehicle, manual has the way to achieve that long life and... More

Unlock the Secret (Malfunctioning Door Lock Actuator)
August 22, 2021
What a convenience power door locks are on a vehicle. The latest don't even require you to push the button on the key fob; all you have to do is have it with you. But sometimes there's a component of power door locks that can fail, especially when they are used several times each day. Those ar... More

The Key Won't Turn! (Ignition Problems)
August 15, 2021
You've just arrived at the store shopping and you're ready to head home. You put your key in the ignition and oh, no! The ignition won't turn! What do you do now? Don't panic. There are some things you can do to get going again. The first thing to do is see if you have a locking steering wheel... More

That Squeal is Telling You Something (What Causes Squealing While Steering)
August 8, 2021
If you hear a squealing noise when you turn your vehicle, it's trying to tell you something is wrong. After all, it never made that noise before, right? The sound you hear may becoming from a few sources. Let's take a look (or a listen) to some of the possibilities. First, you almost certainl... More

Mercury Rising (Hot Weather Vehicle Concerns)
August 1, 2021
The heat is on, and your vehicle takes a beating when it is. Several of your vehicle's systems are under extra stress in hot weather, so here are a few to make sure are getting the care and maintenance they need. It makes sense that the cooling system is one to make sure is in top shape. Vehicl... More